Welcome to my 1st posting
Welcome to my 1st posting. Yes, this is a very personal and frank view of mine. This is my life Journal. You may agree or oppose to whatever I say. I'm not trying to be right...and definitely do not want to be wronged either.
I am a MUSLIM from the Southern State of Malaysia. I hope to die as a Muslim too with all the glad tidings from Allah S.W.T and enter the Jannah.
But should I transgress the boundaries ordained by Allah S.W.T, do let me know. I need to be reminded everynow and then. Nauzubillah.
Nonetheless, I am learning everyday in my life - still. I know I can learn from all of you. So, share yr thots with me.
Praying for yr spiritual advancement as I wished you've prayed for mine. Amin.