My passion to WRITE preceeds me, My urge to be RIGHT defeats me, Certainly, my intent not to be WRONG, guides me. This is my journal, abt life. Abt how I see life. Pls dispute me if you may!...I don't want anyone to agree with me...totally.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

ruang atau kesempatan

ruang atau kesempatan
yang menlekatkan kasih berakrab
menjernihkan rindu
dalam bahtera rayuan masa lalu

suara mika
bingit menjerit, mentertawa
pancaran indera berlogika
tumpuanku hanya padu
deria ku bercelaru

disini ada hidup yang tak terbahas
namun aku puas

august 2005


Blogger InaOK said...

Mengapa deria bercelaru
sedang tumpuan mu padu
Kan ALLAH yang paling tahu
setiap langkah,
setiap bicara yang terluah
atau tersimpan dalam hati tersembunyi
tak perlu dibahas tentang hidup
kalau taman penyembahan sentiasa redup .....

11:04 AM

Blogger dzan said...

sering bercelaru sebab
riang ria anak2 yg sering mengganggu

cool stuff sis...

11:37 AM

Blogger InaOK said...

HeHe....dapat ilham dari u...
Kalau pasal riang ria anak-anak...Alhamdulillah
ingat suara tangisan tadi....
All the best ...K

11:47 AM

Blogger dzan said...

he he he.

btw..this poem is abt my journey ferrying my wife to and fro from work..while the kids in the back seats.

12:28 PM

Blogger InaOK said...

Check kat dict. DBP, kalau tak nak guna bercelaru boleh guna haru-biru
but antara deriaku haru-biru
dgn deriaku bercelaru
still prefer the latter....
Oh..Well.....just my 1 cent

9:24 AM

Blogger MidlifeCrisisDolmat said...

Hello Dzan,

A while back I got comments, made under the guise of anonymity, in my blog. This particular line was interesting to me:

"i came here because someone 'recommended' ur site. "it deserves a more serious criticism.." or so he said. i fear that u're not ready for 'it'. someone said 'ure' ready.. undoubtedly he was wrong"

Because it reminded me of our e-mail correspondence previously (the one that was not to be published publicly, remember?). I remember you said the exact same thing, although in a different manner.

Anyways, if you are privy to the identity of said anonymous person who commented this, please tell him/her to make his/her way to my blog. The person wanted an "intellectual debate", and I am keen on obliging.

And please tell him/her to use a name or something this time around? Being anonymous lacks integrity, wouldn't you agree?

If you don't know head or tails about this particular incident on my blog, then my apologies.

9:16 PM

Blogger dzan said...

bro shahriman,

it wasn't me..or anyone i knew. apologies accepted.


10:04 PM


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