My passion to WRITE preceeds me, My urge to be RIGHT defeats me, Certainly, my intent not to be WRONG, guides me. This is my journal, abt life. Abt how I see life. Pls dispute me if you may!...I don't want anyone to agree with me...totally.

Friday, March 31, 2006

bunyinya suara bukan mimik arab

bunyinya suara
aku keliru
bunyinya nada
menggetarkan aku
bunyinya hujah bercelaru

bukan aku berARAB
malah berADAB
bukan aku berTAKSUB
malah tak SANGGUP...
menyambung tamadun telanjang
menjunjung minda yang diamnya digua

kenapa tiada pernah pelajari
mengukur baju ditubuh sendiri
malah dibilang keren lagi
layak matsaleh (bule) yang rakus membayar beribu
melihat anak-anak isteri ku gebu

aku wariskan ilmu
kau simpan baik-baik
mempermolek jangan memperlekeh
nilai SENI hidup jitu
bukan pada ketelanjangan anak bangsa ku
tapi dalam hikmah yang masih engkau terkeliru

march 2006


Blogger InaOK said...

Apa yg saya suka ttg puisi ini adalah mesej yg disampaikan di dalamnya.
i)bahawa berpegang pada agama Islam tidak bererti menjadi Arab
Tidak ada soal taksub di sini..not all Arabs are muslims, anyway
ii) mewariskan ilmu islam sebagai cara hidup dgn harapan ia tidak diperlekehkan
iii)bahawa kesenian dalam Islam itu mempunyai nilai yg halus dan tinggi melangkaui nilai-nilai seni yg lain. Dan keindahannya tidak memerlukan pamiran tubuh-tubuh yg telanjang atau separa telanjang.

And its all Nicely said in a poem.
Good ... very good.

5:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam to you too...

First of all, thank you for dropping by my blog, reading my rants and leaving your two cents worth.

I dunno about me being overly biased against the show or not. But if watching from the comfort of your home was better than what I had to experience, then I would have gladly swopped places with you than go through all the hassle and nonsense. I love APM, it's just that standards dropped so badly that I had to let it all off...

It's a subjective matter anyway based on each individual's analysis. I've heard from some others that they enjoyed it too so I respected their views. I personally didn't enjoy it so I was just airing my grievances. So, it was meaningful to you and I respect that.

I more or less agree the three suggestions you came out with regarding future shows esp the venue. But I guess APM has its own identity. To copy elements from other shows would not be a good thing as it would rob the essence and trademarks of the shows that it copied. But at the end of the day, we still go back to that dirty five-letter word: M-O-N-E-Y...

Or credible sponsors. Singapore is not like Malaysia where sponsors can pump in the money and rake back profits. I dream of the day whereby we can hold a free concert ala Siti Nurhaliza's road tour in 2004...

Anyway, to defend my apparent "melatah", well if your wife's pride is being ridiculed, would you just keep quiet and pretend nothing's happened??? I don't mind the brickbats on me, I'm cool with that, but I certainly have a big problem if the people I love who have nothing against these people, are dragged in through no fault of theirs. So forgive me for running them down...

8:39 PM

Blogger dzan said...

salam luci,

kayaknya..puisi mu semaking BAIK and fan base kamu semakin byk. rasanya...saya yg perlu belajar berpuisi dari kamu.

ya..sama kabar baik aje..tapi bz sangat. sampai projek cermin juga tertunggak.

9:42 PM


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