My passion to WRITE preceeds me, My urge to be RIGHT defeats me, Certainly, my intent not to be WRONG, guides me. This is my journal, abt life. Abt how I see life. Pls dispute me if you may!...I don't want anyone to agree with me...totally.

Friday, September 23, 2005

life does not revolves around me

salam again,

hemm..maybe i should be a blogger and create the new Blog for my words - segregating my poetry works. But until then, here will do.

Apparently, my postings (like forever ha), seems to attract all the wrong ppl. and some ppl would think that I'm dwelling / prying onto their life. bummer!!! and sob! sob!

Got news for you. LIFE DOES NOT REVOLVES AROUND YOU (or ME)...and THIS IS NOT ABT YOU. However, my words are reflection of my life and anything I see or feel - What I am and what I am NOT. If it touches you (or even yr raw nerve) in a way or another, take it or even dispute it. Just remember, my mind is NOT Pre-Occupied with someone else life.

Btw, Co-incidentally, the statements I've made was a result of another conversation that I've had with few GOOD friends just abt 3 days ago. In which they asked me the following :

a. why do I only posted POEMS?
b. what is my definition on Choices in Life?
c. and ya, why I never become a LAWYER!!!

hemm...such topic is too general right and it is abt anybody and everybody. Very be it. I suppose this is what is said " SIAPA MAKAN NANGKA KAN TERASA GETAHNYA". something of that sort.

hemm...I've yet to post my hypothesis on " RESPECT IS GIVEN OR COMMANDED, not EARNED". If I post that, apa lak orang cakap.

and mind me. I dun insinuate, so my words were addressing my close friends queries towards me; as explicit as I can be. nah.. Blog RATING? I couldn't care less. (wa bukan blog-glidder..remember?)

as suggested in the title of my Blog i.e. LIFE per se: entah ya entah tidak. so Don't simply agree, but don't simply disagree. ya yr choice. If I've offended any of you, tell me exactly how and what. Don't insinuate. I'm TOO DUMB to read in btw the lines.

Have I moved on? believe me, more than you know. Am ready for death even (not because of life misery ha) . but Have / Are YOU !!!?

if it helps you to understand, pls review my past postings in June 2004 entitled :

On Maturity and Uniquely Me !!

at the following:

else, never mind. wallahualam.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurricane Rita news blogs
Some of the major Hurricane Rita news blogs: * Houston's KTRK Eyewitness News has crews all over southeast Texas monitoring Hurricane Rita and has set up blogs for 10 of them.
Hi, I was just blog surfing and found you! If you are interested, go see my photos related site. It isnt anything special but you may still find something of interest.

11:45 AM

Blogger InaOK said...

Orang tgh ribut ...dia promote Hurricane Rita lak......Duh???

12:27 PM

Blogger InaOK said...

Hem...Hurricane Rita telah meninggalkan kesannya...
Ribut di Pekan membawa enggang ke rumah saya...not just one ..satu keluarga atuk, nenek, emak, bapak & anak..cucu cicit je tak de....
Tapi seronok gak tgk enggang terbang di atas rumah pagi-pagi enggang berkawan dgn pipit......
Pipit tu mmg sentiasa ada...mmg saya beri makan...
yg ni bukan satu satu kampung..nenek,atuk,mak,bapak, anak,cucu,cicit, pak sedara, mak sedara, sepupu ..semua ada....
Yg penting...enggang tak bergaduh dgn pipit...leh terbang sama-sama......
Kenapa manusia tak leh gitu ???

12:54 PM

Blogger elisataufik said...

rramai jugak org Uks yg ada blog eh?

2:20 PM


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