My passion to WRITE preceeds me, My urge to be RIGHT defeats me, Certainly, my intent not to be WRONG, guides me. This is my journal, abt life. Abt how I see life. Pls dispute me if you may!...I don't want anyone to agree with me...totally.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

merdeka (?)

denai ini pernah dilalui
oleh orang-orang bangsa, merentas desa
tak akan tersasar, tiada jera
melangkah pergi dan kembali
pasti, perut buncit berisi
tapi tak kemana pergi

belantara ini pernah diteroka
oleh perintis bangsa, pelopor niaga
memperkaya anak-anak desa, membuka dada
minda berkitar keangkasa
hidup kian jernih, tapi jerih
tak kesampaian makna

kota ini telah pesat didiami
berakar umbi minda penjajah
tergarap budaya asing dalam bangsa
kosakata mencarut terbiasa
kerohanian disisip bersuara dusta
bermuafakat padu pada hati yang riddah
semua atas nama bebas suara
dibilang tuhan mencarut auta
dituduh insan munafik berkalimah
kian celaru dalam merdeka
megah dalam hodoh-laku bitara

hormat, hanya pada seteru pencipta
merdeka, entah mainan apa

31 August 2005


Blogger InaOK said...

Dah lama diri tidak merasa merdeka kerana langkah terikat oleh pantang larang .....
minda tersekat oleh kata derhaka
sedang dalam hati,
sepi semakin bersarang .........

Selamat Hari Tak Merdeka !!!
Eheh...Jalur gemilang pun dah hilang....
Adoi...ada org dah cap saya tak patroitik....
Saya kata.."kalau negara diserang musuh, mari kita tgk siapa lari dulu...awak atau saya???"
Jangan main-main, kita ada darah Tun Fatimah tau...
TKC Blue House = Rumah Tun Fatimah
HeHeHe.......Gotcha !!!

11:09 AM

Blogger dzan said...

gitu lah
membisik dikata derhaka
bersuara dikata menghina
dan semuanya sama
jadi macam mana?

2:35 PM

Blogger InaOK said...

Jadi gitu-gitu le.....

"Don't be discourage .....
I see yr True Colors shining thru...
Don't be afraid to let them show
Yr True Colors are beautiful like a rainbow......"

8:33 PM

Blogger MidlifeCrisisDolmat said...


What you perceive to be the Truth may not be the same thing to other people.

Tolerance and Acceptance is the key. There are a thousand Truths out there, and if you do not like my Truth, you should at least respect it.

But I agree with this line:

"tergarap budaya asing dalam bangsa"

Bangsa kita berebut-rebut nak meniru bangsa Arab. Sampai lupa warisan budaya kita sendiri.

9:37 PM

Blogger dzan said...

salam bro,

if we look closely (and investigate), bangsa kita yg nak sgt jadi ARAB is VERY sedikit. and byk ulamas and cendiakawan had progressiverly corrected that perception, still.

But yg nak sgt jadi org putih tu berlambak. yg hidup berbudaya telanjang, yg bercakap carut dan kata tuhan mencarut makin byk...semakin byk.

Question is Which one are we?

TRUTH DISTINCT FROM ALL ERRORS..and it was never in my hands. becos I've always remember Allah's kalam:

"If the Truth had been in accord with their desires, truly the heavens and the earth, and all beings therein would have been in confusion and corruption! Nay, We have sent them their admonition, but they turn away from their admonition."

Holy Quran : 23:71

waallahualam. Praying for yr spiritual advancement as I've wished u've prayed for mine. insyaAllah. amin.

6:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Setuju sangat Dzan, ngapa bising mereka yg jadi Arab sedangkan itu sunnah Rasul dan mendapat pahala.

Mengapa tak ditegur mrk yg berbudaya barat, sedangkan itulah perosak bangsa Melayu yang dibangga-banggakan dan menjerumuskan kita kedalam dosa yang terampun...

eee nn.

8:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to correct my last sentense, it should be 'dosa yang tak terampun" or bolehkah dosa itu diampun kalau sekiranya mmg kita sengaja membuatnya dgn rela.....

eee nn

8:32 AM

Blogger dzan said...

salam anonymous,

pengamatan yg jitu, indeed. but who am i to say..HE will or not maafkan - though we know he is MOST FORGIVING AND MOST MERCIFUL. Question is have we met HIS crieria(s)? :

a. bukan dosa menduakan DIA
b. taubat kita itu bersungguh2

wallahualam. ini bukan ceramah..sekadar mengingat diri.

10:06 AM

Blogger MidlifeCrisisDolmat said...

Budaya mana yang merosakkan bangsa Melayu adalah subjektif. Would you rather integrate the bigotry of some of the practices of Arab culture, like honor-killing and raping the limitation of women's rights into our own culture?

Apa yang Arab tu tak semestinya Islam.

Lagipun apa di mana yang rosaknya? Budaya ialah satu proses evolusi pemikiran masyarakat. Budaya dan norma berubah-ubah. It is inevitable, even if you do not like it.

Kenapa pula dibolehkan sesetengah budaya kita dimansuhkan atau dipandang enteng atas nama Islam? Bukankah itu peninggalan nenek moyang kita?

Wait, that's not the point of why I'm here. I find it surprising that you keep SUCH a civil attitude when in public, Dzan. Your tone was less flattering during our e-mail 'discussion'.

Again, you use the Word of God for your own selfish purpose. But I can respect that, because this is your space (unlike SOME people who can't respect other people's space).

Just a friendly reminder for you to stop terrorizing other people with your twisted views and prejudices, especially when they do not welcome it.

Kalau pak cik nak menegakkan agama, baik pak cik berdebat dengan blogger kristian atau yahudi, daripada pak cik tunjuk bagus di kalangan bangsa sendiri.

All the best to you.

Thank you.

Shahriman Latif

10:20 AM

Blogger MidlifeCrisisDolmat said...

Uh...sorry, typo error...

It was supposed to be "Would you rather integrate the bigotry of some of the practices of Arab culture, like honor-killing and raping AND the limitation of women's rights into our own culture?"

Thank you.

Have a nice day.


10:22 AM

Blogger dzan said...

salam bro,

something very wrong with you lah. given you all the chance to humiliate me LEGALLY and in Public you don;t want.

PLEASE..I'm begging YOU. don't let me return back yr very own words. you'll not like it. either in my page or yr page. you've enough ACT on it. and i was the one... NEVER respect other(?) that makes me ok never to be respectful right? Just don't invite / tempt me to reply to you...REALLY.

My words are by far (in pte or public) nowhere near yr carut (by any standards....and let go through the legal system you are practicing it). my tone by where near yr own disgust. either ok.

you can humiliate me FURTHER and FOREVER. if u really words are bigotary tell me and prove me. and pls don't give me anykind of publicity..and increase my blog ratings. i'm not motivated by all that. never am afraid. You think you know don't.

I Never try to be RIGHT. But absolutely NEVER WANT TO BE WRONG..or be WRONGED. but if i am bring forth yr evidence..not something that you pluck somewhere.

you made too much assumptions abt our community, abt me, abt our ulamas. you made too much assumption abt my stance over ISLAMIC = ARAB. many ppl who will realise how MELAYU I am. i cannot even say the LABEL B***% and only resort to a description i.e a female dog.

bro, if truth are with you, bring forth. just don't do what you are doing.

If by calling Allah's name..i am hypocritical...and i'm sure Allah's warth will befall on me. so don't worry. TRUTH distinct fr all error. my last you as a friend, foe, bro, lawyer, intellectual beings are as follows:

Give me the Reason(s):

"God has not Created anything more BETTER than Reason, or anything more PERFECT or more BEAUTIFUL than Reason. The Benefits which GOD gives are on its ACCOUNT, and understanding is by it. And GOD's wrath is caused by it and by it are REWARDs and PUNISHMENTs." by Anonymous

wasalaam. Praying for yr spiritual advancment as i've wished u've prayed for mine. InsyaAllah. amin. and i pretending with all these? GOD (says me)...your version? what the H**&&. so plese..don't

10:46 AM

Blogger dzan said...

salam bro shariman,

after this, i'm going to ignore you completely. as said, everything you said abt others, is coming right back at you.
may you find peace within.


11:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bro Shariman,
Terasa ingin mengatakan sesuatu (maaf Dzan bila baca apa yg ditulis teringin nak jawab balik - walaupun tak pandai nak berkata2).
rasa sedih bila saudara mengatakan budaya arab itu penuh dgn pembunuhan (berani mati?), 'raping(?) kebebasan wanita.........betul ke begitu...

Mungkin benar sekiranya kita bercakap ttg Arab, tapi yg diperkatakan di sini adalah Islam( itu apa yg saya fahami)
Kalau kita kaji Islam sebenar ia mmg tdk langsung menggalakan pembunuhan dan juga menutup kebebasan wanita.(antara yg saudara sentuh)

Kita patut kaji mengapa adanya kes2 berani mati........ Apakah pemuda-pemudi Islam itu mempunyai pilihan lain. Apakah mrk mempunyai senjata yg canggih utk melawan balik musuh.
Dimanakah saudara2 Islam lain yg sepatutnya membantu mrk.... Tidak ada kan! So mrk tiada plihan lain, hanya itu saja yg mrk rasakan boleh melawan balik apa yg telah dilakukan.

Spt Malaysia suatu waktu dahulu, dimana ada org2 Melayu yg sanggup mati utk melawan penjajah.......walaupun bukan 'pengebonam berani mati" tapi cara mrk melawan penjajah2 hanya dgn keris dan tombak sedangkan penjajah2 dgn senjata apinya menunjukkan yg mrk berani mati....

Women right yg bagamana yg saudara maksudkan bila mengatakan arab/(Islam - bagi U) itu mengongkong... Apakah krn wanita tak dibenarkan mendedahkan aurat atau tdk dibenarkan bercampur gaul secara bebas dgn sesiapa saja tanpa menira jantina bermakna hak asasi kaum wanita telah dicabul?
Saudara sebgi seorg Islam, bacalah semula tafsir Alquran, kajilah semula sejarah Islam, lihatlah bagaimana keadaan Islam di zaman Rasullulah dan sahabatnya.
Saya rasa apa yg kami orang2 Islam di M'sia ni cuba buat adalah mencontohi sunnah Rasullulah dan bukannya meniru bulat2 budaya Arab.

Mmg benar ada budaya arab yg tdk boleh diikuti ttp budaya yg dibawa oleh Rasullah sebhgian nya dr budaya arab krn sememangnya Baginda org Arab dan patut dicontohi oleh org2 Islam diseluruh dunia (bagi membezakan mrk dgn org2 bukan Islam)

Tak salah kiranya ada org2 Islam yg ingin berjubah sekiranya ia berasa selesa sama seperti sesetengah org yg rasa selesa berkemeja dan berkot..(dan saya rasa mrk tak pernah ditegur dan dipaksa memakai baju melayu) setiap hari

Maaf kiranya apa yg ditulis menyinggung perasaan saudara Shariman.

Memandangkan bulan Rejab hampir berakhir, Syaaban akn mengganti dan Ramadan akan menjelma, dgn jari sepuluh saya memohon maaf sekali lagi.

eee nn

(jgn kata saya menyorok dgn menggunakan ano., cukuplah setakat tuan punya blog ini mengenali siapa saya)

Semuga Allah memberkati kita semua........

11:43 AM

Blogger lieawulf said...

some basic concepts to comprehend:

- not all Arabs are Muslims
- not all Muslims display and portray the correct teachings of Islam, in fact very little Muslims do.
- being a Muslim doesn't warrant a person to have a good understanding of Islam, thus, fail to observe it and to portray the beauty of it.

kalau rasa diri kurang, bolehlah balik kaji lagi. jangan salah pandang cermin ;)

12:13 PM

Blogger dzan said...


good. am not exempted from all that ploy fr thinking "diri tak Kurang". thus am constantly puting my faith and prayers with daily reflection. it is no conincidental that islam is a social religion. while what lies in the heart of mind is best known to allah and the individual itself. It is our ACTION and WORD that warrants all the right reminders and even punishment by the ppl around us.

"The Benefits which GOD gives are on its ACCOUNT, and understanding is by it. And GOD's wrath is caused by it and by it are REWARDs and PUNISHMENTs...."


12:45 PM

Blogger InaOK said...

Oh Dear........War of the World Part IV ???
Gee..Mr Shahriman..surprise , see u here AGAIN ?
Are u sure you're not trying to reciprocate what happened to your blog here? Thot u said u respect other people's space ? I mean if u say some people do not respect yr space & terrorise it, aren't u doing the same thing now ???
And it so surprising that what is discussed privately does not go public ??? There is the term : Private & there not ???

Anyway...that is NOT WHY I'm here either....
Apa yg Arab itu tidak semestinya Islam....TRUE
Apa yg melayu itu juga tidak semestinya Islam
Oleh itu dalam membentuk atau dalam usaha utk membentuk peribadi muslim, salahkah kita buang apa yg tidak Islam, tidak kiralah daripada mana ia dtg, dari Arab ke Melayu ke atau dari Barat?
Cannot understand ah ???
Tell me Mr Shahriman which Muslim group in Malaysia practise honor-killing or raping as their religious activities or as their way of life ??? None right ??
Or do u know of any ???
We had never ever and will definitely not or even have the slightest intention to simply integrate every Arab culture into our own culture....
Peninggalan nenek moyang kita...kalau bertentangan dgn Islam pun tak leh mansuh ke ???
So u want to practise 'semah' satu budaya peninggalan nenek moyang kita ??? U think that is alright ..tak yah mansuh ???
Tolonglah Mr Shahriman ...u can be open minded & moderen tapi jgn lah sampai melanggar agama....kan agama itu yg paling penting..esok ditanya kat akhirat tak terjawab kita....dan akhirat itu kekal abadi..di dunia berapa lama lah sgt yg kita ada....

Ttg women's right ...I think we can discuss that in a diff session..pjg cerita kalau nak cakap pasal Women's right ni...I cuma nak tahu u follow women's right yg mana satu...yg ditentukan oleh ALLAH atau yg ditentukan oleh manusia atau lebih teruk lagi yg ditentukan oleh non-muslims....
Ada satu right yg Tuhan beri yg saya rasa paling baik : The right to choose whichever door she wishes to enter in Heaven...
Any women wants to trade that for
'nikmat dunia' , wouldn't she be stupid ??? Shud I explain what 'nikmat dunia' I'm talking about??
Oh dear...I better not here, less this column becomes X-rated & I know that wud pissed Dzan off
Really....I belief in Dzan's right to voice out his views....I do not understand why u're being so sensitive about his 'teguran'....
kan u kata u boleh terima teguran....
Don't be prejudice as u had said to others to not be prejudice of u...
AND pada bangsa sendiri lah kita patut tegur apabila mereka berbuat silap...
Sbb kita terlalu mengamalkan sikap 'tutup mata' itulah yg menyebabkan bangsa sendiri jadi lalai dan leka sampai tak boleh beza yg mana benar dan yg mana salah........

Semoga ALLAH memberi you hidayah & inayah .....
And like Anonymous...sempena bulan Rejab, next Mon. start of Syaaban & 5th Oct. Ramadhan.... I too wud like to mohon maaf atas tersilap kata atau tersilap bahasa....
semoga kita sama-sama tidak terlepas drp rahmat ALLAH swt.

BTW : ingat tak hari ni Ulang tahun Isra' Mikraj : 27 Rejab


1:26 PM

Blogger MidlifeCrisisDolmat said...

Uh...let me end by saying that you guys started this initially. If you hadn't judged me with your prejudice and bigotry none of this would've happened.

YOU came to MY space in judgment of ME first, remember? You came to my blog in prejudice initially, remember?

So let me get this can comment on my blog, smear crap all over my blog...but I can't do the same? O____o

Nevermind. I'm leaving anyways. It's obvious now that we all can't tolerate each other very well, regardless of how TOLERABLE and REASONABLE we all claim to be.

Just stop judging me and my readers by your archaic standards. I'm not even going to tell you to open your minds, because it is obvious you are set in your ways and you can't see past your own blind faith.

And thus, with well wishes and honest apologies, I bid you all farewell.

Parting can be such sweet sorrow, is it not?

Do visit the blog, once in a while, if you find the time. Just don't overreact if you see something that damages your frail sense of morality. It's embarassing.

Take care now. =)

1:44 PM

Blogger dzan said...

bro shahriman,

look again my fren. look yr blog..and trace the trail. here are the chronicles:

a. u posted abt something which i've never read and commented.
b. sis ina commented on that postings. (and u guys have sorted it out. alhamdullillah)
c. u melatah by her comments.
d. neowakko talked abt islam that was absolutely wrong. and be admited to be an apostate.
e. i've commented on his (neowakko) statements
f. he acknowledged.
g. but u MELATAH again with long series of discussion and created another postings thinking that you've done justice to all , let alone to yrself.
(and i've asked you b4 not to put such disccussion in public ..rememer? and u said wa tak da respect towards others)
h. i responded using yr very words, to remind all the inconsistencies and inaccuracies you've made.
i. u MELATAH again. and i ignored. no rationale, no balance and no sense of talking really.
g. comes to this.

let just say, i agree with you that i'm beaten badly by you. and i'm so embarassed by my actions (oh my GOD). that my EGO is crushed. so much so that..i never feel anything with whatever you do or say. cos, ego dah tak de kena crushed by yr bitara. my integrity pun dah tak de..sbb kena malukan oleh you yg benar. so believe whatever you want to believe.

yr audience can menilai...really. This does not look good on you. again, my gentle reminder (including to myself).


bro, wa cakap betul2. wa will ignore you, completely. anything else,if you want proper closure by asking me to apologies, take that legal action against me..or whatever. am not afraid of the carut or whatever opened mind stuffs. i'll steadfast.

i've yet to enable my script to filter you out of my blog. so, don't ok. go gracefully. u said you dah puas embarassed, humiliated and beaten me, left, right, centre. ouuch. don't ok. really. DON'T

this is a plea...make it a humble one.


2:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anggap ia sebagai dugaan okay......... take it cool dan bersabarlah krn sabar tu sebahagian dr iman.

Sesungguhnya manusia ni ada bermacam2 jenis, ada yg baik, ada yg suka kutuk, ada yg nak org terima pendapat dia saja, ada org yg rasa dia betul sentiasa dan bermacam2 lagi perangai manusia.

Jadikanlah kutukan itu sebagai sebahagian dr dugaan yg dtg, berdoalah pada Yang Maha Kuasa agar satu masa nanti mereka akan dpt menilai yg mana satu betul dan yg mana silap........

Just remember there are peoples out there yg masih menyokong you dan jgnlah rasa spt dimalukan.....

eee nn

2:54 PM

Blogger InaOK said...

Ha....what did he say :
"You guys started this first...."
OK, I admit I started it...I'm the guilty one!!!
"You came to my space in judgement of me first.You came to my blog in prejudice initially"
Thot I clarified that...went to visit yr blog, did not know of yr reputation that precedes you, so had no prejudice & no judgement

"If u hadn't judged me with yr prejudice & begotry......"
"You can comment on my blog, smear crap all over my blog...."

Dey....bila kala lak kita judged him ??? I already said we comment on what was written ie on the postings & the comments given, not on the peribadi....

Smear crap ???
What crap ??? Actually who started smearing crap??? You lah Mr Shahriman...u sendiri yg throw the ****
Kalau bende privately discussed tak dihebahkan, org pun tak akan
tahu.......You yg hebahkan sendiri, bagi semua org yg visit yr blog tahu ...for what ???
Cheap publicity lah ha ??? time ah don't put "ruang comment "
put "Ruang utk Pujian saje"
ALL the best fr me & wud I visit yr blog ???
To smear more crap....Sure....
I suka bab smear crap ni...... aku tak de kerje lain nak buat kan ???

Sorry Dzan for getting u involve in this smearing crap business !!!

6:05 PM

Blogger dzan said...

gong-xi-gong-xi everyone,

frens, foe and whatever. indeed. am not disturbed by all these. sis ina, wa tak blame u langsung.
let just say, it is a good exercise. we have grown so much together, and we know what it means when
ppl critic, feedback, comments etc. so nothing to melatah, nothing to fear, just steadfast.

kalau takut dipukul ombak, tak yah berumah ditepi pantaikan?

i've been teaching my kids who previously like to call names..towards each other..and one will yell
"ayah..abg call me this or that". i've always said this to them....r u? r u the thing or person yr bro
or sis called u? they would answer "NO". so...let it be. walk away. u'll be a better person. not because
u r afraid. not because u r beaten. not also because you are embarassed.

but bcos, you are not the person whom yr bro or sis (or others) called u. But there are times, you
have to be defensive, so be it. you will know when that time comes.

and only ego, pride and joy are my kids, who will be able to simply ignored all those.
cos they know who and what they are.

and since i must practise what i;ve preached. am doing the same.

waallahulam. praying for yr spiritual advancement as i've wished u've prayed for mine.
InsyaAllah. amin.


6:18 PM

Blogger InaOK said...

Mr Eunose,

I said,(diringkaskan )," we are not going to integrate every Arab culture into our own culture "

Salah ye that statement ???

I don't 'main sebut je'...I stand by what I say.........
I am not going to simply integrate every Arab culture into my own way of life.........for eg. though I tutup aurat,I do not wear purdah.
Though I enjoy music, I don't go belly-dancing, etc, etc, etc.....

But I am a muslim & hope to die as one....InsyaALLAH...& semoga ALLAH
menerima amalan saya, juga saya diterima sebagai hambanya & sebagai umat Muhammad , seterusnya mendapat syafaat dari RasulALLAH

8:40 PM

Blogger dzan said...

salam everyone,

I'm giving this analogy aka reminder. dun fall prey in the ploy of arguments - whether or not prophet Ibrahim A.S was a Jew or an Arab (like the jews and the arab then). the prophet S.A.W had made it clear that he (prophet Ibrahim A.S) believed in Allah. everything else is SO IRRELEVANT. Similar to this incident. So, no point dwelling on it, when i'm sure the real issue is not there.

apparently the comment made by bro shahriman (with gd intent..i hope) was not mooted by the the issues of the ARABs (or even by the reflection of my poem). But mooted by the said murder I've supposedly committed on his territory (or any other reason(s) best known to him). Yes, i've ignored him and will continue to ignore him. But I'll pray for him, though I'm sure that he is better than me in his faith, knowledge and all the essense of islam.

am not angry, nor feeling embarassed or humiliated and certainly am not apologetic. and for the akhlak bro eunouse is talking abt..I'm sure we all know that it is by the islamic virtue - words and actions. western gurus termed it as IQ and EQ, but islam had defined it by that ihsan / akhlak.

i write terribly ( in grammer and syntax), but making a personal continous and constant effort to be away from any form of corrupted thoughts, words and content - even by meer insinuation. and certianly, will not distribute such distorted thought everywhere.

and if i've done so, i know i have friends around me to remind, correct or even reprimand me. I don't and will not disengage myself from my ad-deen, nor do i expect my friends (or others) to disengage themselves from Islam, until he himself denouce islam. I pray that i can steadfast on this matter.

what deep lies within one's heart and mind, we dun know, until it is written, talked or acted. syntax and grammer means nothing - other than just another rhetorical plot.

lastly praying for yr spiritual advancement as I've wished u've prayed for mine. InsyaAllah. amin.


10:33 PM

Blogger dzan said...

bro eunouse,

one more thing. i hope by that chronicles, by no means you take me as Jews...or the likes. (i'm sure u don't) but if my words and actions, do reflect that, please make it clear to me. am bad at guessing or even try to decipher jargons.

have a nice day.

10:49 PM

Blogger InaOK said... not going to waste more time on this...
not going to waste more space on this ruang 'comment'
I mean , we were talking about Budaya Arab...becoz it was first brought up by Bro Shahriman of the topics of Budaya masyarakat : budaya melayu, budaya arab, budaya barat...
Now Bro Eunose brings up the topic of akhlak....
totally diff issue.....
kena buat diff discussion for this issue, like akhlak vs budaya

Anyway, am not going to drag the matter anymore.....just want to clarify :
I brought up purdah becoz it is budaya berpakaian bagi org Arab...
it is their traditional wear as baju kurung adalah budaya berpakaian bagi org melayu, salah satu pakaian tradisional org melayu........
afterall we were talking about budaya......

I rest my case !!!

Sorry Dzan...........
ni leh lawan blog Luigi Luigi kdg ada > 20 comments

10:10 AM

Blogger dzan said...

actually kan, abt this arabic=islamic thingy, i pun ada concern..and have aired it previously. but not in the manner and far insinuation of this sort lah.

What is more interesting is that, over the years, i've discovered the following:

1. the arabs and / or the tabligh islam, were never penjajah. Tapi they are true PERMERDEKA minda dan
pelopor tamadun yg kita kenal sekarang. and they truly assimilate with our society back then.

it is our masyarakat choose to behave like them. itu pun only recently..and very few. comparetively to:

2. while the ang-moh, the matsaleh yg disanjung, sampai kata carut jadi nilai estika bangsa kita ni hari ini, are the one truly have corrupted our minds. until we loose our balance.

entahlah..nanti nak buat puisi lah pasal ni.

10:31 AM

Blogger lieawulf said...

More words being excahnged in this manner, the more emotions will be involved, the more we degrade our own maturity.

I think this should stop here (drawing a big full-stop).

Allah knows best.

2:29 PM

Blogger InaOK said...

Already STOPPED....InsyaALLAH...
I wouldn't want to degrade myself...

Ni saje je....nak bagi angka 30...
Yes !!! Pecah rekod !!!

Leh nyanyi now ........

" We are the world...."
Oops salah lagu lak....
kang ada lak yg ingat World Mawi

All the best to everyone.....


4:37 PM


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