dzan talks back
I'm not a blogger. And never want to put too much thoughts to be one. Not sure if I'm even a writer (though I'm a wannabe) - since my writing skill is not up to standards and my inabilities to express myself had always been a hurdle. Often than not, I've been misunderstood. (wink!)
But I luv to write poems. It is a way for me to escape from the rules of writings - to break down all boundaries, walls and pen my disconnected thoughts and all its meanings. It does not matter if my ideas are so disconnected..and what are my real intents. Afterall in poems, readers are free to intepret whichever way they see fit. Thus, I prefer poems than writing too many words in paragraphs.
What is my point?
So what am I doing now? Oh!! I am simply talking back (menjawab lah tu)
I'm not a blogger. And never want to put too much thoughts to be one. Not sure if I'm even a writer (though I'm a wannabe) - since my writing skill is not up to standards and my inabilities to express myself had always been a hurdle. Often than not, I've been misunderstood. (wink!)
But I luv to write poems. It is a way for me to escape from the rules of writings - to break down all boundaries, walls and pen my disconnected thoughts and all its meanings. It does not matter if my ideas are so disconnected..and what are my real intents. Afterall in poems, readers are free to intepret whichever way they see fit. Thus, I prefer poems than writing too many words in paragraphs.
What is my point?
- I don't believe in freedom of speech - in totality (is there any?).
- I don't believe we have choices in life. But we do have FREEDOM with NO CHOICE.
- Nah..don't go by insinuation.
- NO!! am NOT trying to be RIGHT either (or to win for that matter), else, I would have been a LAWYER!!! ahaks!!
So what am I doing now? Oh!! I am simply talking back (menjawab lah tu)
Mana boleh menjawab cakap Emak Bapak hah ???
Kalau cakap nenek ...boleh.......
Ni Nenek Kebayan nak tanya :
Poghang lagi ko ???
Bukan ke dah gencatan senjata ???
Kat sini mmg tak de freedom of speech.....silap cakap kena ISA
tapi setiap yg kita cakap mmg perlu ada batasnya ....
Pesan Nenek Kebayan -
i. bercakap jgn biadap
ii. mulut jgn celupar,
iii.kata-kata jgn cam sembilu...Waa..
(Ha kan dah nangis dah Nenek Kebayan....)
Ya....I agree with that .......
teringat lak kat U, ada subjek Elektif Wajib...Elektif tapi wajib ambik.....DUH ???
5:18 PM
Er. I can't believe you're still not over this by now...O__o
If you want to break the rules of writing, you have to know the rules to begin with.
Anyways, I'm sure you have better things to do than continuing our little flame war. I know I have better things to do.
And Kak Ina,
Saya memang tak pernah menjawab cakap mak bapak. But you're not my parents... :)
And if you consider me disrespectful, well I apologize. It's just that I believe respect is earned, not demanded.
Let's just agree to disagree, and put all this behind us. We can't change each other, that would just be wrong.
2:13 AM
Mr. Shahriman....
Excuse me.....I wasn't addressing you. It was a general statement.
Never consider anyone here disrespectful ....
'Here' meaning this blog ... so I don't consider anyone visiting this blog disrespectful .....
Didn't even know that "The War" is still ON ??? Iya ke ???
I think Dzan does have better things to do......
Wah duh .... siapkan dong bukunya .....
buat penasaran aja di sini....
10:29 AM it WASN'T about our previous animosity, then. My bad, my bad... :)
Carry on, then.
4:43 PM
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