My passion to WRITE preceeds me, My urge to be RIGHT defeats me, Certainly, my intent not to be WRONG, guides me. This is my journal, abt life. Abt how I see life. Pls dispute me if you may!...I don't want anyone to agree with me...totally.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


ada seorang tua menyuap kasih, cinta
pada anak kecil yang tiada punya, segala
cuma ada hidup, ada masa
sama-sama telah hilang, kasih mesra
cinta ayah, kasih ibu, cinta anak, kasih menantu

situa kurang upaya, cuma bersalut kedut
dan berselimut hidup silam yang berkalut
yang ada cuma sisa

sikecil, melampaui daya, bertenaga
tapi tiada nikmat, kasih ayah bonda
kehilangan segalanya
yang tinggal cuma upaya

syukurlah mereka bertemu
dapatlah menjamu, berteman padu
bersama mengharung waktu

june 2005


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I've read most of your stuff and this I would suggest...go for urine test and get a life!

1:51 PM

Blogger dzan said...

Dear anonymous,

here is my official reply to your suggestion:

Thank you for yr kind suggestion. M my team and I had seriously considered your proposal (for days), but we find no basis, whatsoever of your claim.

So we apologise that your suggestion could not be implemented due to the rhetorical words of yours. Thank you.

PS: the Following is the exact words that transpired btw me, myself and my team (that is me alone). must be that faceless coward (and rude i must add) from neohikayat ha? did he sent you here? or you and him are the same person?

oops...i'm sorry...either you are the people from dewan bahasa or maybe the descendent of.....(sorry say that again?)

4:24 PM


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