My passion to WRITE preceeds me, My urge to be RIGHT defeats me, Certainly, my intent not to be WRONG, guides me. This is my journal, abt life. Abt how I see life. Pls dispute me if you may!...I don't want anyone to agree with me...totally.

Monday, June 13, 2005

mulia dalam hina

puluhan tahun ketika dulu
dikota Cape aku bertamu
pesan seorang lelaki tua
kalaulah ingin hidup, mulia
dilingkaran apartheid empunya, rangka


dilempar, cemuh
dibaling, tuduh
diterjah, rapuh

biarkanlah lontaran nista
menjadi sandaran hidup sahaya

bila hati redha menerima
hidup bakal menjadi mulia
walau terbiasa dalam hina

June 2005


Blogger Irzan said...

You've been to Cape before?

So it's true that you told me you've been all over the world.

Apakah takrif kemuncak tamadun bagi awak?

Boleh bagi contoh tak? Tak perlu panjang-panjang pun sebenarnya ... :)

11:26 PM

Blogger dzan said...

The attribute of civilization in itself leads to Reproof, Rectify and Repent - to an individual or society (spiritual or not), directly or otherwise.

It is a well guided iterative value system. It does not make one a perfect individual though. But it defines some core values system.

It is beyond cultures and / or tradition. I would luv to cast and concrete it as our ad-deen ; so universal. But lets it be neutral - so to speak.

And it makes the individual or society to acknowledge that core values, while still giving them the FREEDOM with CHOICES in life.

mostly, we don't have CHOICES in our FREEDOM, don't we?



11:59 AM

Blogger Irzan said...

True. Our Freedom is fake freedom, to name just a few.

Freedom of speach perhaps?

By the way I acknowledged from your tag-board that you have a ratu. You are married right?

Congratulations for a late wedding wish from me :)

2:22 PM

Blogger dzan said...

yup. married for 11 yrs now. 3 wonderful kids.

5:01 PM

Blogger Irzan said...

Actually, the responsibility of developing the society is at the hands of writers, true. And I trust you to do it alone :p Ahaks...

Ok la ok la we share our jobs together ok?

Now, you, as a leader, bagi-bagikan tugas. What do I have to do?

11:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

takjub seketika membaca nukilan-nukilan yg begitu *amazing*

keep up da good works. sesama kita berkongsi mana yg ada. =)

4:04 PM

Blogger dzan said...

bro eunose adnan,

b4 anything else, you've not been rude. or terkasar bahasa. So no apologies needed.

may this reply find you in good health and comfort and HIS blessings always. InsyaAllah. amin. I enjoy this threads really.

thks for the comment. Indeed I agree with you, though my explicit or implicit meanings may take a different stance - just another facet of perception.

While I'm at it, I certainly welcome the feedback and concede if my words tersasar from the TRUTH that has been defined by Allah S.W.T. Help me please.

Just for some qualifications for my statements made ;

a. my words are NOT cast and concrete

b. my hypothesis on such mentality of the UMMAH is, why some or many are quick to dispel the iktibar fr himself - when terkena batang hidung?

so yes, it is just my hypothesis questions; to WAKE myself up - if not to whoever reads it.

c. you said:

"Bila anda cakap pasal "choice" atau pilihan untuk beriman, kenapa ungkapan "tiada daya dan upaya" itu masih ada? Dalam konteks hamba dan tuhan, adakah hamba boleh mencapai taraf itu tanpa rahmatnya? Nyatalah di sini bahawa ia masih terletak ditangan tuhan"

dzan said :

yes indeed i agree with you in that context. here's another take from me. DAYA and USAHA adalah gerakan jati-diri - aka physical.

While CHOICE is a mental state of human endeavour.

Hidayah literally translated as LIGHT or contextual as PETUNJUK.

and Allah said (in my own words and understanding)

"...walk on this earth ...see the mountains, the sky, the seas...etc so that we can learn of HIS creation and HIS existence."

Notice that Allah never even insinuated that we MUST CONCEDE to the HIDAYAH HE has bestowed on mankind. Thus it is a CHOICE.

and if you look around, ALLAH HAS GIVEN HIS HIDAYAH all around us. even to the darkest and baren continent. Remember that Al-Quran has reached the world and now with is abundance.

even without the Quranic text, HIS CREATIONs around us is HIS HIDAYAH.

so, it is still a choice - and surely HE will bless us if we CHOOSE to embrace that HIDAYAH. Once we embraced it, we must nurture it and HE will continue to support and feed us with HIS HIDAYAH - until we CHOOSE to stop and THINK.

apa daya dan upaya? because, that physical beings stops when HE removes from our BODY, MIND and SOUL.

Correct me if i'm wrong brother. Always seeking for that TRUTH - away fr my vein desires.

Hope I'm not being rhetoric but rather critically pragmatic.

Praying for yr spiritual advancement as i've wished u've prayed for mine. InsyaAllah. amin.


8:55 PM

Blogger dzan said...

eunose, i hope and i think i know what you mean. :-)

8:44 PM


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