My passion to WRITE preceeds me, My urge to be RIGHT defeats me, Certainly, my intent not to be WRONG, guides me. This is my journal, abt life. Abt how I see life. Pls dispute me if you may!...I don't want anyone to agree with me...totally.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Luving Thee

not very long ago...
we met... we spoke...
we laughed and we shared

we talked about the wonders
of life and death... and its values
and all there is to know about things around us

but today... the world stood still
in silence... in remorse...
and in despair...

the sun stop rising and glowing
while the moon keeps disappearing
my heart stops pounding and begins to deceive me

the birds and waterflow went mute
and we become strangers?
in silence... without presence.

it must have been luv...
because i luv thee... still
to live and relive again I'll choose to luv thee

in a distance... in silence... in comfort
and in anyway I know how
I'll choose to Luv thee...FOREVER!!!



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