My passion to WRITE preceeds me, My urge to be RIGHT defeats me, Certainly, my intent not to be WRONG, guides me. This is my journal, abt life. Abt how I see life. Pls dispute me if you may!...I don't want anyone to agree with me...totally.

Friday, June 03, 2005

With or without you

no more sorrow or tears
just blood...numb...bleeds
within this heart and soul
without your smile or words
life seems so cold and old
ironic and bold...
silence as if i'm in deep grave

but I must
live for myself
finding my self-worth
new venture and tenure
to sprout my seeds and wisdom
and make life fulfilling in this universe

with or without u...
i'll live, smile...and survive...
talking to myself rather than to you...
than to appear remote silence

thank you for that moment
the gestures ever so...misleading
yet...I've found my true home...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this poem.

8:08 AM


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