in a distance - playing sollitaire
my heart is deceiving me
leaving me all empty
at home it belongs to be
and in this cold distance
my thoughts are getting smaller
yet the emptiness is getting wilder
in despair
I'm playing sollitaire
and here is me
and there is thee
separated only by sight
in remote distant
yet closer within my heart and wisdom
summer did stopped by
autumn was a lullaby
and winter is alluring high
yet those smiles are cold
touching me in vulnerability untold
it is YOU I am longing to hold
timezone and ocean
alieniating my soul
season and distance
embracing our goal
and my love for you
forever behold
Beijing - Nov 2007
I play Spider Solitaire at my PC .. hehehe
Someone told me "be content that love grows in your heart"
i said, " i'll be content even to die with a secret love in my heart"
Distance never matters when there is love in your heart.
And the person who is loved is very very lucky indeed
12:40 PM
Wah..Ina, u'll be contented with the secret love in your heart???
thats disturbing...cause i dun believe in that..unless u syok sendiri lah...
/Unggas Rimba..
9:43 AM
Wahai Unggas Rimba,
You are still young, you have not gone thru what I've gone thru.
Your world is still lovey dovey
blue skies or perhaps, occasionally that grey sky , a little hurt here & there in the heart ???
Me Syok sendiri ???
Saya tahu diri kok ... Saya bukan siapa-siapa nak syok sendiri or hidung tak mancung pipi tersorong-sorong.
Saya selalu sadar diri.
I know I'm a NOBODY !!!
That statement above, hanya Allah sahaja yg tahu what I actually meant.
Salam ceria to all.
11:01 AM
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