My passion to WRITE preceeds me, My urge to be RIGHT defeats me, Certainly, my intent not to be WRONG, guides me. This is my journal, abt life. Abt how I see life. Pls dispute me if you may!...I don't want anyone to agree with me...totally.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

apalah aku seorang ayah

apalah aku seorang ayah
tiada mampu
menyempurnakan hayat mu
malah jasad terjadi belengu
saat sendu bertalu mendampingi mu

apalah aku menjadi ayah
tiada mampu berganti nyawa
malah menjadi saksi
engkau bersabung nyawa
mengundang pilu dalam hati bertubi-tubi

apalah aku menjadi ayah
termampu cuma
menyiram tubuh kujur mu
yang kini kaku nan beku
hati ini benar-benar pilu

apalah aku seorang ayah
menguburi anaknya sendiri
terpilu dalam syahdu aku terintih

apakah wajar
aku seorang ayah
mengkebumi anak sendiri

//semoga syurga tempat mu pasti//

Nov 2006


Blogger InaOK said...


When an uncle passed away sometime ago, his Mom was still alive & well. Everyone present cud feel her sadness. In fact, most of us cried ... not for him, but for her. Not that we're not sad over his passing, we were. But looking at her, yg ditinggalkan pergi, was really really sad.

Yrs ago i also lost a nephew (10 mths old then). I helped babyseat him so he was closed to me. It took me a long time to get over his death. I wanted to name one of my boys after him but somehow cud not find enough courage to ask my sister about it. His name was Ahmad Ridzwan

I had a dream about losing Aisyah, i was extremely sad even after i woke up ... & that was just a dream

If we cud ask for it, most of us wud want to go b4 our children BUT unfortunately, its not for us to choose or say.

May ALLAH swt gives you & yr brother & yr entire family strength & perseverance dlm menghadapi ujianNYA ini.

Salam dari Pekan

1:22 PM

Blogger InaOK said...


Pak Encik ... yr tagboard under attack ha ???
Ke dia pening ???

Salam ceria dari Pekan

1:51 PM


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