My passion to WRITE preceeds me, My urge to be RIGHT defeats me, Certainly, my intent not to be WRONG, guides me. This is my journal, abt life. Abt how I see life. Pls dispute me if you may!...I don't want anyone to agree with me...totally.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

To whatever that is lost

if i ask you why
would you tell me straight
or would there be another lie
or just another twisted deed
with treachery and deceits?
or just another ill-treat?

had there been honesty
would there be jilt?
had there been sincertiy
would there be deceit?
had there been friendship
would there be hardship?
had there been luv
would there be hurt?

where are the promises?
a friend that is near?
a shoulder so dear?
a word so sincere?
what abt the gestures?

here's to luv...
here's to friendship
here's to honesty
heres's to sincerity
and here's to whatever
that is lost sinking deep
a dark memory that i'll keep

1st feb 2005


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